Carti Gradinita Caiete activitati Visit us on www. There are no products meeting your requirements yet. Jocuri Creionul Fermecat 3. German This software is part of a collection of CDs created with the help of pre-school teaching staff and is based on the Project Method and other software contributing to children's beneficial development. Resources Work plans that PitiClic offers to you to use it with your children at home or at kindergarden! PitiClic has returned from the amazing summer vacation that he spent abroad where he easily learned English.
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PitiClic Launcher
Clasa a I-a Drawing and colouring books for kids - for 3 to 9 year olds. Stiinte socio umane Aceste materiale educative pot fi folosite ca suport de curs sau auxiliare pentru invatatori, profesori, elevi, parinti sau bunici folosind tehnici moderne si interactive de predare, stimuland imaginatia invataceilor prin toate canalele de perceptie: Romanian This software is part of a collection of CDs created with the help of pre-school teaching staff and is based on the Project Method and other software contributing to children's beneficial development.
Cu siguranta, copiii vor fi atrasi si isi vor petrece intr-un mod foarte placut timpul liber jucandu-se cu ele. The echoic and iconic memory facilitates the learning of the specific curriculum of linear, spatial and analytical geometry by the students using digital platform designed by us; it facilitates the acquiring of the theoretical elements of applied geometry by encoding-decoding, so that the teacher's role becomes the one of the advisor and not only a person who transmits the information.
- PitiClic
Product language German The information and "games" on this CD will be the starting point in responsibly approaching the oral hygiene by the preschool children and not only. Magazin online cu softuri educationale, jocuri educative copii, carti, documentare si enciclopedii multimedia precum rojana materiale didactice. Documentare Discovery Egiptul antic De acum inainte Savana africana, Tinuturile inghetate si Padurea tropicala nu vor mai avea niciun fel de secrete.
This time, the little ones will join PitiClic in the wonderful World of Fruits, where they will meet the beautiful Princess of this kingdom. At every step they will have to discover unusual information, curiosities and they will have to solve educational tasks meant to help the individual development of every child. Infomedia Pro suggests 7 animated stories, all in one.
Suntem convinsi ca putem sa contribuim la educatia copiilor, daca strangem resursele de care scolile si gradinitele pitiflic nevoie. PitiClic at the Danube Delta. PitiClic - Carnival at the kindergarden. Documentare Discovery Natura PitiClic on the books road.
- PitiClic-launcher
Carti didactice, softuri educationale si jocuri educative. The utility of the program extends from mainstream schools to special schools. In the enchanted world of the wheat grains. French The information and "games" on this CD will be the starting point in responsibly approaching rimana oral hygiene by the preschool children and not only. Welcome to the Math Casemate.
The best memories of our childhood are the vacations near the seaside, building a castle with our little shovel, caressed by the sea breeze and overwhelmed by the endless sea. Copilul invata despre circuitele electrice jucandu-se! Documentare Discovery Arta Documentare Discovery Stiinta In this place, full of natural mysteries, surrounded by such a green vegetation, where the birds and animals look very curious because not many are the ones that had the courage to pay them a visit, the little ones will have the possibility of testing their fishermen and boat builders activities.
Discover the universe of PitiClic to learn new things! Work plans that PitiClic offers to you to use it with your children at home or at kindergarden!
Once again, PitiClic invites us in the wonderful ronana of the fairy-tales.
PitiClic si dinozaurii isteti
Pentru a face o comanda en-gross, completati formularul de cerere de pe pagina fiecarui produs, formularul de contact sau trimiteti comanda pe email. With the help of PitiClic we can add to these wonderful moments from the liticlic break some adventure, exploring, fun and knowledge. Mobile terminal operating system Honeycomb Android since version 3.
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